Contact me:
You can e-mail me at
If you are a constituent seeking help, when you email please ensure you include:
- your full name
- your home address including postcode
- your contact telephone number
- any relevant reference numbers (such as a national insurance number or a complaint number)
- details about the issue you are facing, or policy issue you are concerned about
You can also use the forms available on the Help & Advice pages to contact me about specific casework issues.
My team and I aim to deal with most cases within a few weeks, however, urgent cases are given priority.
Constituents who would rather talk to one of my caseworkers can call my constituency telephone:
020 7219 0767
Lines are open Tuesdays & Thursdays, 10am – 1pm.
Lines are often busy. If you don’t get through immediately, please wait 10 minutes and call again.
Due to the demand for assistance and the limited funding for staffing my office, I don’t have the capacity to review all requests and have to prioritise those in greatest need. If you are not a Tottenham resident you are unlikely to receive a response to your email. Due to strict parliamentary protocol, I am unable to take on cases for people who do not live in Tottenham.